Brave Generation

Become a Mentee!

As a Mentee, you will:

Receive university application assistance from Mentors who recently went through the same process.

Join a community of Ukrainian students looking to and currently studying abroad.

Gain access to Brave Generation’s academic and cultural programming series.

Receive educational and application guidance resources.

Become eligible for stipends for an array of university-related costs.

Gain access to mental health care providers.

We expect our Mentees to:

Meet virtually with their Mentors at least once a week.

Communicate with their Mentors in English or their Mentors’ preferred language (as applicable).

Individuals who are eligible to be Mentees:

Have a B2 or higher proficiency in English.

Plan on applying to university within a year of enrolling in MentorUkraine.

Become a part of MentorUkraine! Complete the application form by March 15th, and you can expect to receive a response via email by the end of March.

Thank you for your message

Success stories of our Mentees


Applicants will receive notification of their admission status via email to the address provided in their application. If admitted, applicants will be matched with Mentors based on their shared interests.

No! MentorUkraine is a volunteer-based, cost free program. At no time will Mentees be asked to pay for access to mentorship.

Our Mentors commit to an 8-12 month engagement with their Mentees. Beyond this period, it is to the digression of Mentees and Mentors whether they wish to continue their relationship.